Senin, 11 Mei 2009

the Second

There’s oppressing feeling in my heart

When remembering he doesn’t remember me

There’s spragging in my heart

When thinking he doesn’t think me

Is it normal?

There are moments where I wanna posses him

And there are moments where I just wanna like him

I wonder why people can say “I love you” easily

Whereas me?

Saying ‘I love U’?

Admitting even to myself that I’m falling in love is so difficult

Eh, wait a minute!

Is it able to be said ‘love’?

I dunno

There’s always a sound which presses my mind that I’m not fallin’ in love

But then, there’s always a sound which murmurs in my ears and says ‘Look at him! You like him!’

I think, actually I don’t want this feeling

But, more and more I try to kill it, it becomes more stronger

I really can’t

It’s too strong, too has full commands on me

Should I give up?

One more

Is there anyone which able to answer this question:

Why can I find him easily even we’re on the middle of crowds?

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